If your website is less than 80% from both PageSpeed and YSlow page speed test results, then your website is in danger to drop from search engines ranking!!
We can help you to solve that by optimizing your website to reach a gtmetrix test results of more than 85% of page loading speed
Test your website using https://gtmetrix.com
For more details, demonstration, Q and A please call us to visit your office OR  visit our office, give us a call or send us a message via the contacts given below:

Company Name: InfoCom Center Limited

Location: Swahili Street, Sinka Court Building, Ground floor, Behind Bondeni Secondary School.

Office Tel:  +255272546430/+25573 297 8002,

Cellphones: +25578 766 5050/+25575 564 6470/+255762874630

Emails: info@webmaster.co.tz, [email protected]

Websites: www.infocomcenter.comwww.webmaster.co.tz

Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/webmastertanzania