Free WordPress Installation
We offer free wordpress installation for our customers who buy one of our packages
We will just install WordPress and provide password and username to the owner.
Premium WordPress Installation
We offer Premium WordPress Installation Plan at affordable price. With this installation you end up with a secured website that is not easily hacked, infected and damaged due to online insecurity vulnerabilities.
- Install wordpress and provide password and username to the owner
- Secure wordpress from basic attach like back-end protection, database protection, wordpress files and directories protection and wordpress script auto update setup
- Price = TZS. 50,000 (On time payment)
Advanced WordPress Installation
Our Advanced WordPress Installation Plan enable you to get a secured and SEO enabled wordpress site.These are the two main attributes of a highly paying website
- Install wordpress and provide password and username to the owner
- Secure wordpress from basic attach like back-end protection, database protection, wordpress files and directories protection and wordpress script auto update setup
- Prepare wordpress site for maximum SEO project: Included SEO enabling, Caching the website and URL Canonicalization
- Price = 100,000 (On time payment)
On Webmaster Tanzania