WordPress SEO Expert in Tanzania

Our service aim to optimize the wordpress site security (Cyber attack and spamming control) and guarantee top ranking in search engine especially Google.

The service includes but not limited to the following:

  1. Updating and optimizing text, images, replacing pages all limited to 10 pages
  2. Attach a good booking/feedback form with spam filter
  3. WordPress core, plugins and theme scripts updating add new and remove unwanted one for CMS based websites only
  4. Configure the wordpress for good SEO. issues like URLS, Keywords, Sitemap, Social network links and posting, Canonization etc.
  5. Moving page content around to achieve relevancy to SEO- limited to 10 pages
  6. Adding blog news, posts etc (texts and images only) limited to 10 posts
  7. Optimizing the website to achieve more than recommended PageSpeed and YSlow meters, page load time, page size and page requests made which are good parameters for good SEO
  8. Hardening the website to prevent cyber attack plus fresh manual website backup once per year
  9. Management and Maintenance Report
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 300,000 for one time
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 240,000 / Twice a year – semi annual service
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 280,000 / 4 times a year- quartelry service
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 600,000 / 12 times a year- monthly service
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 2,400,000 / 48 times a year- weekly service
  • All the above at a fee of TZS. 4,500,000 / 365 times a year- daily service

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12 Easy Steps to Improve WordPress Site Security – Simple and Clear

12 Easy Steps to Improve WordPress Site Security – Simple and Clear

12 Steps to follow in order to Mitigate, Restore and Monitor a WordPress Site Under Phishing or Hacking

Deceptive Site AheadWhat is phishing?

Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details, often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

What is Hacking?

Simply hacking is a general terms explaining the website that is accessed by a none legitimate person and take control of it either physically or by remote means. Phishing can be the type of hacking. A hacker can do anything when he/she have control of your website.

How is phishing implemented?

Phishing is implemented in numerous ways or methods one of them is website content injections. Foreign contents with decisive WebPages that trick web visitors to leave their valuable information in exchange of bonuses or other reasons like pay fee for expiring online services etc. When a victim visit the URL and fill the information, the attacker will use those details to do the actual crime like entering to PayPal account and draw money from the victim account etc

What to do in Order to Mitigate, Restore and Monitor a WordPress Site Under Phishing or Hacked?

Mitigating the Site

Step #1: Make sure you always use a clean and protected computer to login to the server (malicious cookies, keylodgers, spayware and viruses can snick to the server and feed vital information to the attacker )

Step #2: Backup the database

Step #3: Regular cleaning and optimizing wordpress database, use cpanel or install WP-Optimize By David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft

Step #4: Change the password to stronger passwords both for database, cpanel and CMS

Step #5: Update all plugins and theme and deleted unwanted ones or the scripts with no updated over six months

Step #6: Secure and prevent editing of php script, web directories and important files like htaccess and wp-config.php files

Step #7: Change login URLs, administrator usernames, database names and usernames to access database plus changing the table prefix to the harder ones

Restoring the site

Step #8: Deleted manually all foreign folders, files suspected for phishing, any useless scripts plus old site backups as those may create loophole to attack the website

Step #9: Remove wp-admin and wp-includes core folders and related wordpress core files in root folder except wp-config.php and htaccess

Step #10: Upload fresh and current copy of the deleted wordpress folder and files wp-admin and wp-includes core folders and wp-config.php and htaccess

Monitoring the Site

Step #11: Install security monitoring and notification systems for file change within your server – recommended plugin for this is Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan by wordfence, there are other very effective script for wordpress to use. Google Search console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools) is another wonderful tool for security and Google blacklist removal

Step #12: Make sure your website is visited and scanned regularly for malware (at least once per week) using https://sitecheck.sucuri.net and other effective systems like wordfence, sucuri

Conclusion and Recommendations

CMS are the most affected by cyber attack because of the backend and database where  attacker can deploy the security hole found in poorly coded scripts and those which are outdated but still in use by issuing malicious command to the server.

On the other hand, CMS offer robust and professional features, look and feel of the website that match the current market and user demands. The only way to benefit from these advantages is to secure and monitor closely your website.

The website owners are strongly advised to use the experience professional in terms of cyber security and the related phenomena in order to ensure that the issue is correctly mitigated and monitored. Leaving the website to the hands of the inexperienced and novice webmasters may lead to more problems and costs instead of alleviating them.

We at InfoCom Center Limited posses enough experience of more than 10 years dealing with cyber security on CMS websites specifically securing and optimizing WordPress sites.  The tips in the article above is the result of such experience and expertise.

We highly urge you to entrust us your website for maintenance and security day to day duties. When the website is on our hand, you will stay victoriously at peace channeling your valuable time and skills to other profitable strategies and activities instead worrying about website of and on everyday. Leave all the hassle work of maintaining and restoring hacked websites to us.

Visit SEO and Website Maintenance Page to learn more about our website maintenance packages

100+ Brands, Celebrities, and Famous Websites Using WordPress

  1. Alanis Morissette
  2. Ariana Grande
  3. Bata
  4. BBC America
  5. Beyonce
  6. Blackberry
  7. Blondie
  8. Bloomberg Professional
  9. Boing Boing
  10. Boingo
  11. CNN Blogs
  12. Coca-Cola France
  13. cPanel Blog
  14. Dave Matthews Band
  15. Digg Blog
  16. Dole
  17. Ebay
  18. Eddie Bauer
  19. Enterprise Magazine
  20. Evernote
  21. ExpressJet Blog
  22. Facebook Newsroom
  23. Flickr
  24. Forbes
  25. Fortune
  26. General Motors
  27. Google Ventures
  28. Harvard Business Review
  29. Harvard Gazette Onine
  30. Hootsuite
  31. IGN
  32. Inside BlackBerry
  33. James Bond 007
  34. Jason Mraz
  35. Jay Z
  36. Justin Timberlake
  37. Katie Couric
  38. Katy Perry
  39. Kobe Bryant
  40. Kylie Minogue
  41. Laughing Squid
  42. Lily Allen
  43. LinkedIn
  44. LL Cool J
  45. Lollapalooza
  46. Los Angeles Times
  47. Malala Yousafzai
  48. Marks & Spencer for Business
  49. Mashable
  50. Mercedes Benz
  51. Microsoft News Center
  52. Mötley Crüe
  53. MTV News
  54. NASA
  55. New York Post
  56. NFL
  57. Nikon USA
  58. Observer
  59. com
  60. PlayStation USA
  61. Blog
  62. Pulse by Target
  63. Quartz
  64. Reuters Blogs
  65. Riverdance
  66. Rotary Means Business – Rotary Club
  67. Russell Brand
  68. Samsung
  69. SAP News Center
  70. Snoop Dogg
  71. Sony Music
  72. Staples Canda Blog
  73. Star Wars
  74. Sweden’s Official Website
  75. Sylvester Stallone
  76. TechCrunch
  77. TED
  78. The Mozilla Blog
  79. The New York Times Company
  80. The New Yorker
  81. The Next Web
  82. The Official Rackspace Blog
  83. The Official Star Wars Blog
  84. The Rolling Stones
  85. The Walking Dead – AMC
  86. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog
  87. The Walt Disney Company
  88. Time Inc.
  89. Time Magazine
  90. Tom-Jones
  91. Trello
  92. UPS
  93. Usain Bolt
  94. Variety
  95. Vogue India
  96. Vogue UK
  97. Will Wheaton
  98. Wolverine Worldwide
  99. Xerox
  100. Xzibit

Affordable WordPress Website Design, Editing and Hosting Offer

Why Us?

We are experienced WordPress CMS website developers/designer since 2007 making 10 years of experiences. We can redesign, edit, design, develop websites, blogs and other systems using WordPress Platform. We always maintain affordability for all our services

Our design/development focuses on five areas below:

  1. Fastest loading websites for effective SEO friendly website
  2. Responsive website to quickly load and be accessible via all devices like tablets, smart phones and desktops
  3. Easy and simple navigation and layout for robust visitors engagement
  4. Very secured system against hackers and spammers
  5. Web visit analytics to where, what and how many visits per day, week, month etc

Why WordPress?

Below are five reasons why WordPress over Joomla, Drupal and many other CMS systems

  1. Among all CMS platforms WordPress is used by 55% of all CMS worldwide
  2. It is a simple platform to manage your website than joomla, drupal, expressengine and many others
  3. WordPress has a huge online documentation and support which is very important when it come to website management
  4. WordPres is really cheap and open source stuff from plugins to themes unlike other CMS like joomla or drupal
  5. WordPress is fast and scalable hence good for SEO

Work with us!

If one or more of the five questions below relate to you, please contact us and we will work together to resolve the matter.

  1. Don’t you have a website and looking to have one build in WordPress? – we can build the one for you
  2. Do you have a static website and want to migrate to WordPress CMS? – we will do it for you
  3. Do you have a website which is developed using non WordPress CMS and want to migrate to WordPress CMS? – we can migrate it for you
  4. Do you you have a WordPress site that need serious editing and or redesigning? – we can also do it for you at affordable price
  5. If you have a WordPress website that need extensive online marketing via forums, directories, blogs, social media, social bookmarking we will be glad to work for you – we will first conduct a free audit for your website to see if it is ready for online marketing.

Contact Us

For more details, demonstration, Q and A please call us to visit your office OR  visit our office, give us a call or send us a message via the contacts given below:

Company Name: InfoCom Center Limited

Location: Swahili Street, Sinka Court Building, Ground floor, Behind Bondeni Secondary School.

Office Tel:  +255272546430/+25573 297 8002,

Cellphones: +25578 766 5050/+25575 564 6470/+255762874630

Emails: info@webmaster.co.tz, [email protected]

Websites: www.infocomcenter.comwww.webmaster.co.tz

Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/webmastertanzania

Why You Must Use WordPress for Your Website or Blog?

Why You Must Use WordPress for Your Website or Blog?

The Four Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress

  1. Very Easy Platform to Use (Easy to design, easy to manage and maintain, easy to secure and easy to optimize for SEO)
  2. Absolute Free and Open Source (everything related to WordPress is free and open source even the commercial CSS and images are sold at very very reasonable price compare to their rivals)
  3. Scalable Robust and SEO Optimized (By itself, WordPress system is fully SEO optimized, you will just need to improve the optimization depending on the plugins theme and contents you uploaded)
  4. Adequate Support and Documentation: With the large community that is behind WordPress and with a large volume of daily customers who are using the system, WordPress is absolutely the only system/platform on the net with large support in terms of developers, publishers, consultants, technicians, marketers, advisors and all sort of discipline that will influence your website to be online and running profitably. It has reached a level even when you search for something using Google, wordpress related results will hijack your results page with various referral URLs for what you are looking for.

More FACTS About WordPress

According to a January 5, 2017 post on CodeInWP.com:

  • Over 15M websites run on WordPress.
  • WordPress is the most popular content management system on Earth, with nearly 60% of the global CMS market share. read more at https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/content_management
  • Some of the biggest websites in the world run on WordPress, including:
  1. BBC America
  2. Beyonce
  3. Bloomberg Professional
  4. CNN Blogs
  5. Coca-Cola France
  6. cPanel Blog
  7. Ebay
  8. Facebook Newsroom
  9. Flickr
  10. Forbes
  11. General Motors
  12. Google Ventures
  13. LinkedIn
  14. Mashable
  15. Mercedes Benz
  16. Microsoft News Center
  17. MTV News
  18. NASA
  19. New York Post
  20. NFL
  21. Nikon USA
  22. Observer
  23. Reuters Blogs
  24. Samsung
  25. Sony Music
  26. Sweden’s Official Website
  27. The Mozilla Blog
  28. Soma zaidi hapa
  • WordPress plugins have received over 1 billion downloads while
  • WordPress themes have received over 100 million downloads

While these WordPress usage statistics are impressive, they will mean nothing to you and your institution if you do not own a website or a blog made by WordPress We have an extreme experience in

  1. WordPress Installation
  2. Plugin planning and deployment
  3. Theme planning design and deployment
  4. WordPress Content Optimization
  5. WordPress Social Media Optimization
  6. General WordPress SEO
  7. WordPress Security