• What is website management
  • Why Website Management
  • Customer Need Analysis – Know what the client need to be managed
  • Create a Work Schedule
  • Control panel audit (examining the control panel to know if it is fit for website management )
  • Website general audit, SEO, security, reputation and technological compliance
  • Performing website management according to audit
  • Basic website configuration from the control panel
  • Configuring the core and related scripts – WordPress
  • Theme Configuration to be SEO friendly – WordPress theme configuration
  • Update page title, description, content to be SEO friendly
  • Optimize the website for SEO
  • Secure/harden the website
  • Wrapping up and handing over the project
  • Create traffic and security monitoring systems
    1. Create configure Google analytic
    2. Create configure webmaster tools
    3. Create and configure Cloud-flare for website optimization
    4. Create and configure uptimerobot for web site monitoring
    5. Install and configure JetPark  plugin
    6. Install and configure WordFence plugin
  • Wrapping up and handing over the project
On Webmaster Tanzania